When you tell your family and friends you want to be a writer, there’s a chance you’ll be met with nosy questions about careers for writers and how much money you’ll make. As annoying as this may be, you do have to find a way to pay the bills. Teaching and publishing are often held…
How to Take and Use Constructive Criticism as a Writer
When it comes to writing – or any art – criticism is part of the package. For those new to their craft or unused to feedback that points out serious flaws in their work, it can be hard to listen to readers rip apart the result of hours at the keyboard. Hearing favorite scenes picked…
3 Benefits of Having a Dog as a Writer
When it comes to writing advice, most people think of one-liners from On Writing or quotes from authors like Hemingway. However, I recommend taking advantage of the benefits of having a dog. Traditional writing advice often only applies to what we put on the page. I think it’s unrealistic to expect your writing and your…