Banned books have been a hot topic in 2022, and it’s safe to say this trend will continue. If you don’t have close ties to your local schools or libraries, you may be wondering why books are being banned, and why this subject has been drawing such intense political attention. Here’s a very brief look…
How to Write From an Interview
Interviews are useful in a variety of types of writing, especially journalism and creative nonfiction. Whether you want your brother’s take on an important piece of family lore for your memoir or you need to pick the brain of an industry leader for a profile, knowing how to write from an interview is a vital…
How to Use StoryGraph to Organize Books You’ve Read
Keeping track of the books you’ve read, books you want to add to your personal library’s growing collection, and books that you want to read in the future are important tasks for every reader and book hobbyist. GoodReads has long been the go-to platform for all this and more, but there’s now an alternative website…
How to Outline a Novel, Short Story, or Essay
Outlining is a typical part of the writing process. Whether you’re working on a fictional project, like a novel or a short story, or you’re writing a long academic essay, having an outline to work from is useful. It can help keep you on track so you don’t leave out anything important. That said, outlining…
Writing About Your Personal Life – How to Decide What to Share
The memoir genre has taken off in the past several decades. And between personal essays in online magazines, lifestyle blogs, and even social media, we’re revealing more of ourselves to each other than ever before. Writing about your personal life has become the norm. Regardless of the medium, knowing what to include and what to…
19 Books Poised to Become Modern Classics
Classic books carry several contradictory reputations. They exude timelessness and prestige, but are also known for being dense and pretentious. Some find them inspiring or nostalgic. Others think they’re boring and overrated. One thing’s for sure – the unofficial list of classics rarely changes. High school and even university-level English classes tend to recycle the…
The Best Craft Books for Writers
Craft books are useful tools to keep on hand. Whether you want to use them as references while writing or revising, or you’re looking for some inspiration from accomplished writers, they’re valuable resources for your writer’s toolbox. Below, I’ve shared my thoughts on my favorite craft books. I’ll keep this list updated and add to…
Are English Major Stereotypes True? 6 Cliches Examined
Studying English comes with facing a lot of assumptions about your career options, how you spend your time, and even your personality. Of course, stereotypes never tell the whole story. But they also don’t come out of nowhere. In this post, I’ll look into some common English major stereotypes, what drives them, and how true…
How to Outline in Scrivener (2 Methods)
To outline or not to outline is one of the biggest questions you have to answer when developing your writing process. Personally, I’ve always found it beneficial to do at least a little bit of planning before putting pen to paper. Learning about outlining in Scrivener has been a huge help to me in keeping…
7 Self-Care Tips for Writers
Self-care has become synonymous with bubble baths, candles, overpriced dessert, and putting off work that needs to be done. While this mindset can be problematic, it’s also true that we all need to unwind and destress from time to time to avoid burnout. I’ve picked up a few habits that I specifically use as a…